Little Victory Dry Lemon Sparkler 355ml
Our dry, bubbly, light-bodied beverages have a slight tannic mouthfeel. They're made with grape varietals grown in the Pacific Northwest and natural grapefruit and lemon flavour. Each bottle has 2.5mg CBD and 2.5mg THC. It's best served over ice and garnished with a slice of lemon.
Ingredients: Carbonated water, Grapes, Sugars (cane sugar), Cannabis emulsion (glycerin, ethyl alcohol, water, polysorbate 80, modified palm oil, sunflower lecithin, THC distillate, CBD distillate), Tartaric acid, Sulphites, Yeast, Pectinase, Natural flavour. Contains: Sulphites.
THC 2.5mg
CBD 2.5mg